The Posture of Forgiveness – Part 2
The Posture of Forgiveness – Part 2

Bible Passage: Philemon 1:1-7
Maintaining a spirit of forgiveness toward others requires the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts as well as a number of disciplines that we are responsible to carry out. In our last broadcast, we learned that in order to maintain a posture of forgiveness we must do 2 things: discipline ourselves to love fellow believers, and be obedient in faith toward Jesus Christ. These two disciplines of the six contained in this message help believers retain a heart of forgiveness toward one another.
It also requires a commitment that makes every effort to preserve unity. And, as we’ll learn in this broadcast, a lack of forgiveness has a tendency to destroy unity among fellow Christians. We’ll learn the last four disciplines that we must practice in order to maintain a heart of forgiveness toward others.