Foundations for Unity – Part 2
Foundations for Unity – Part 2

Bible Passage: Philippians 2:1-4
In writing to the church at Philippi, the apostle Paul expresses to the church his joy as he thinks about them and prays for them. He’s encouraged by their partnership in the gospel, their growing love for one another, and his expectation that the Lord will ultimately complete his good work in them. And then he wants them to complete his joy by being of one mind, by being completely united with one another in Christ.
In this broadcast, Pastor Paul concludes his message in Philippians chapter 2, verses 1 to 4, titled, “Foundations for Unity.”
Last time we looked at some key elements of the Christian life that contribute to unity among the brethren: our encouragement in Christ, the comfort that comes from love, and our participation in the Spirit.
We’ll pick up the message with the last key elements that foster unity: affection and sympathy toward one another. What is unity? Is unity the same as thing as uniformity? What’s the difference?